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Australian Immigration Law Update Starting July 1, 2023

Alberto Fascetti

Here's a brief on changes to Australian and New Zealand immigration:

  1. More Post-Study Work Rights for temporary graduates

  2. Higher Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (TSMIT)

  3. Easier Australian citizenship for certain New Zealanders

  4. Higher immigration fees and charges

  5. More work hours for international students

Reach us on our website or social media for more info. We’d love to chat with you, connect with us on LinkedIn!

More work hours for international students

From July 1, 2023, international students can work 8 more hours per fortnight, totaling 48 hours. Only students working in the aged care sector can work unlimited hours till December 31, 2023.

Higher Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (TSMIT)

From April 27, 2023, the TSMIT for certain visa types increases from AUD53,900 to AUD70,000. This starts July 1, 2023, and new applications need to meet this threshold.

Easier Australian citizenship for certain New Zealanders

On April 22, 2023, Australia allowed all Special Category Visa (SCV) holders arriving after February 26, 2001, to apply for citizenship without needing to be a permanent resident for 12 months. This starts July 1, 2023, and applies if they've lived in Australia for at least 4 years and meet other conditions.

Higher immigration fees and charges

Starting July 1, 2023, Visa Application Charges increase for some visa subclasses. The Passenger Movement Charge also increases from $60 to $70.

More Post-Study Work Rights for temporary graduates

Starting July 1, 2023, Temporary Graduate visa holders with specific qualifications can work 2 more years post-study.

For any questions about Australian immigration, our firm FastVisa Australia can guide you.


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